In the wee hours of the morn… again!

Had a long day at work…yesterday.

Okay, I’m thinking I really should’t have opened that can of beer at 2am last night because I came home from work just dragging myself like a zombie. Well, a lesson learned is a lesson learned.. even in my very young age. lol:

So, I grabbed something to eat and 10 minutes later, I was out splattered on my sofa in deep slumber. Next thing I knew, it is already past midninght and the whole place is bathed in total darkness. So, I got up, deciding to move to the bedroom… and then I realized that I still need to do some knitting and stitching… hehehe.. oh, I mean, I still need to do some twitching and quitching with my blog.

Now, again at 3:37am, am awake and thinking while getting some work done, I should get myself something to drink… and play on youtube some oldies in the background. Just to try to damper the howling wind out in the weee hours of the  morning. 

John Denver, Willie Nelson’s Always on my Mind and Jim Croche’s Time in a Bottle … with my glass of….yeahhhhh, milk! 😆 

I heard from some firefly whopping by, that a glass of milk should help bring me to dreamland again… 

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