Monthly Archives: June 2019

In bloom again

My orchids are in full bloom again.
The poor batch has been struggling for months. Yes, they were sick for awhile.
After months of TLC, they are finally showing happiness!

They are happy… and I am too!

This reminds me two things:
**My grandma loved Orchids. (That’s why I do too!) 🙂

**She always said: “Everything has it’s TIME”

Time…was here, now, later…
…you don’t have it,
…or it goes so fast..
for all you know, it’s only in the mind —
It does take you… to tomorrow and beyond past!

Take time everyone!
Time is precious,
Time is worth more than gold
Time used unwisely,
Can never be returned…
Time heals,
Time reveals.

Everything and nothing takes time…
So, spend it wisely,
Spend it for good memories…
Time spent on bad ones, let it go!
For we already know, what was spent, we won’t be able to retrieve.
Instead learn from it, and in time we’ll get better
And far more worthy will be achieved!

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